DSCR Rental Property Loans

  • Loans from $75K to $5MM

  • 5, 10 or 30-year options

  • Flexible term, Pre-payment and interest rate options

  • Up to 80% LTV on purchase & rate/term refi, up to 75% on cash out loans

  • No personal income requirements

1-4 Unit DSCR Loans

  • Loans up to $10MM

  • 5-100 units

  • Fully Amortizing or Interest-only options

  • Low seasoning requirement

  • As low as 80% occupancy

  • Foreign nationals

  • Recourse or Non-recourse options available

5+ Unit Multifamily Loans

  • No maximum loan amount or unit count

  • 5, 10, 30-year options

  • Variety of structure options available to fit your unique investment portfolio strategy

  • Fixed rate, ARMs, fully amortizing, or interest only loan options

  • Flexible pre-payment options

Portfolio Rental Loans

Bridge/Fix & Flip Loans

Short-term loan used to "bridge" the period between the purchase of your property and long term financing. In the case of bridge loans, there is no construction financing component and financing can typically be finalized 5-7 business days from term sheet.

Bridge Loans

A hard money real estate loan is funded by a private lender to offer quick financing solutions for a value-add property that needs rehab. 

To qualify for this loan, the underwriting is generally based on the qualities of the property and your project, rather than your personal the credentials of the  borrower. 

Conventional lenders have a lengthy underwriting and closing process which can be avoided by choosing the right hard money lender.

Fix & Flip Loans

Ground-up Construction loans for experienced investors looking to grow their portfolio and increase their margins on flips.

  • Up to 85% LTC, 70% LTV

  • Loans from $100k to $3mm

  • 13, 19, 24-month loan term options

  • Non-recourse available

  • Interest-only new construction loans, paying only on drawn funds 

Ground Up Construction

Permanent Financing

The EIGHT50 team has built long-standing relationships with financial institutions across the industry and has worked tirelessly to understand and secure permanent financing options for all types of real estate classes.

Utilize Our Relationships

A wide range of offers including purchase loans, refinances and rehabs. Our relationship with banks, credit unions, insurance companies, savings banks, balance sheet lenders, institutional and CMBS lenders nationwide has allowed us to provide a wide array of loan products to fit the requirements of our customers’ deals.

Wide Range of Offers

Conventional loans typically offer longer repayment terms than other types of commercial loans, ranging from five to ten years with 25-30 year amortization periods.


SBA Loans/Owner Occupied Loans

SBA loans, or Small Business Administration loans, are a popular financing option for commercial real estate loans. These loans are partially guaranteed by the SBA and are designed to provide small businesses with access to affordable financing.

Intro to SBA Financing

SBA financing can be used for a variety of purposes including the purchasing or refinancing commercial real estate, constructing new buildings, or renovating existing properties. These loans typically have longer repayment terms and lower interest rates than traditional commercial loans, making them an attractive option for many borrowers.

SBA Loan Purposes

SBA loans require extensive documentation and can take longer to process than traditional loans, so it is important to carefully evaluate your deal to decide whether SBA is the right program for your deal. 

The EIGHT50 team has established long-standing relationships with the best SBA Lenders in the country and has extensive experience in structuring and streamlining the execution of SBA financing. 

Certainty of Execution